©Blood Pressure Mangler, also known as ©The B.P. Mangler
©Blood Pressure Mangler
An Evil ALTER-EGO Character of ©“The Warrior”, aka ©The Reece Warrior Super Hero, and many Others Around The World & Universe.
©Blood Pressure Mangler, also known as ©The B.P. Mangler
©Blood Pressure Mary, aka ©B.P.M., also known as ©The Bloody Mary Monster
A Very Special Comics Series written by;
Terry “the Warrior” Reece, and Larry Ryan; Illustrator
©COPYRIGHT April 9, 2014; TERRY ALLEN REECE, AKA “the Warrior” and Karoderick J. Reece
©Blood Pressure Mangler, also known as ©The B.P. Mangler& ©Blood Pressure Mary, aka ©B.P.M., also known as ©The Bloody Mary Monster: are PRODUCT BRANDS OF ©REECENETRICS™ BY ®REECE ENTERPRISES/TIME TRAVEL NETWORK, INC./FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY/TDM COMICS INTERNATIONAL, and Jointly owned by All Participating Character Pro-Filer Partner(s), And Artist/Illustrators: #TX7-391-838, PREVIOUS REGISTRATION AND YEAR: Txu000523784 1992.