THE “©HUMANETICS” & The “©HUMEDICS” are Coming!!

©Blood Pressure Mangler, also known as ©The B.P. Mangler

©Blood Pressure Mangler
An Evil ALTER-EGO Character of ©“The Warrior”, aka ©The Reece Warrior Super Hero, and many Others Around The World & Universe.

©Blood Pressure Mangler, also known as ©The B.P. Mangler

BP Mangler copy.jpg  NEW and  Imporved
©Blood Pressure Mary, aka ©B.P.M., also known as ©The Bloody Mary Monster

NEW and IMPROVED Version BP Mary copy.jpg BETTER Imporved BLOODY MARY


Original, 1st Image

BP Mary copy.jpg    aka BLOODY MARY



The Characters, Brands, and Some Terminological and Individuals of Representations are “Frictional”; Although Many True Facts will be Utilized and Incorporated within the Series and Character Brands of The ©REECENETRICS™ BY ®REECE ENTERPRISES/TIME TRAVEL NETWORK, INC./FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY/TDM COMICS INTERNATIONAL, Group of Companies and Partners, All involved Intellectual and Copyrighted Materials are meant as Educational, Entertaining, and Inspiring, without any Malice or references to any True Individuals, Materials, or Content, Except for The Imaginative Sci-Fi/Futuristic Interests of these Branded Series and Characters of ©REECENETRICS™ BY ®REECE ENTERPRISES/TIME TRAVEL NETWORK, INC./FAMILY MEDIA COMPANY/TDM COMICS INTERNATIONAL